Ajeeb Ajeeb Darakht
Bread tree
It is one of the world's wonderful delights. It is found on the island of Baha'il. These trees are round round fruits, like a gourd .It fats approximately half a kilometer .Every year eight This month, fruits can be broken by equal.
People from these islanders spend on this natural bread. We first eat the dough, then cook on the fire, when Allah has given them cooked bread through these trees, without any hard work. Is found
This tree also benefits many people.
Their trees are made of wooden trees. They make their clothes from their bars. These trees make it their feet.
Waterfall Tree:
A tree is found in the island of Sumatra, which raines water.
Actually, it is capable of absorbing water flavors. If a bucket is placed below the tree, then it is filled in water. People drink this water with interest, because it is sweet to ordinary water.
Twin Tree:
You must be surprised to hear that there is a strange strange twist tree in California, surprising the astonishing.
The trees are in a very short distance, while the remaining branches are connected.
Rotating tree:
A tree is found in the village called "Baslati" in Central Africa. It can be used. In the storm and rain, roots of other trees are torn apart, but the roots of the tree rotate around.
This tree is able to compete with the wind as well .Many people consider this situation of the tree and call it a "holy tree."
Light tree:
There is a tree in Java, Indonesia, with a height of about seven feet.
This tree starts to shine in the night and its light seems to be quite late. All the heart is that it is easily readable to read a magazine or dog.
A tree in Australia is found, whose leaves are fiber, which are just like human hair.
Being human beings, people here call it "hair tray" - a hairy tree.
Flexible Tree:
A tree is found in the sides of Bengal, which is awakened with sunset and stands upright from the earth as well, but as the sun is drowned, the tree seems to bend and sunrise The whole bend with it.
Passenger friendly tree:
This tree is found in the island of Alfredgagascar near East Africa. This tree is the shape of a high potatoes, which consists of 24 numbered wings. This is called TRAVELLER TREE for tree travelers and being useful for travelers.
Under each leaf there is a bowl part, on which the leaf keeps shadow at all times. It contains plenty of sweetness throughout the glass. The saffron gets a little bit of water in it and gives water to its thirst.
Double-bread Flavored Tree:
Brad Fordjorser is found in a poor place of trees, whose branches are stirred and eaten like a double bread.
Her branches are also like a double bread.
Candle tree tree:
A tree is found in the Panama area, which is similar to the candle .It is around four feet high and it is made of candles.