مسخرہ چور

Maskhara Chor

Brother Akhtsham Hamdani has remembered after a period, thank you, Sunni Shuja Taimori said while talking to her. On the other side of Lion, her old friend's death was Hamadani, both friends were in school and in the village together with deep friendship. But after completing education, the government official became the official employee after the completion of education. Shuja Taimori was a discreet person who had to leave Education Education due to his domestic circumstances, so that there was an emergency in various institutions. Keeping watch in a business and sometimes, an industrial institution

I am embarrassed that I was so disappointed that I said to Khatif, "It was very sad for some days. Some office matters have troubled that an uncomfortable curiosity remains like you and I have come to know that I am thankful. You have completely forgotten me, Shuja Taimori said in a delight.

In fact, it is Ahshsham Humdani speaking while talking while saying, "It is a lot that I want to take a few days' leave from the capital and some days in your city will flow, some old memories will be fresh, will you make me your guest for a few days? Will you
Welcome Shuja Tammori Josh Bhaghi said, I am waiting for you from today onwards.
You have heard a lot of circus that has a lot of memories about my childhood with circus. I want to see your circus also.

Shuja Taimori did not expect his old friend to come to them so soon on the next day, at the same time, Ashshasham Humdani was present in his house at the time of the afternoon. Shuja Taimori got the throat of both thirsty thupak and came to his guest friend. Shuja Taimori wanted the permission from Hadhrat Hamdan to refresh the old memories for both long and long because because of his responsibilities in the circus, it was time to rest, I will try to come back soon. If there is a need, the employees are present, but they will order it. I have understood it.
No, no doubt, Humdani climbed hands faster and said, "I will walk with you, I will relax in the plane on the way, I will enjoy the circus and you keep working on your work."
Shuja Taimori heard his words, and he was very pleased with both the friends who came near circus while coming to the circus. Each round, the circus name was seen as Sone Star International Circus Jagmagay.

Shuja Timurai sat down in a special place and directed the staff to take care of them. The circus was full of knowledge, the artists of the circus showed many amazing and heart-shattered moments after Shuja Taimori too Come and sit together.
The quality of your circus is internationally in all respects. Ashtasham Humdani has praised you. Thank you for your liking that you have seen that all the circus arrangements are done according to the standards of developed nations. We pay heavy attention to our artists. During this conversation, two tricks were wearing straight-handed clothes wearing clothes and laughing and laughing, suddenly the color of the face of Humdani was changed, it was a sign of his hand on a mockery and his words This is the case of Raja Akramam, who has been broken down and shocked my employee, Shuja Taimori surprisingly Just a few days ago, this person, Raja Akramam, had a chance to clean up my precious things and did not let go, how little Bakhti opened my locker and took out the price of jewelery and huge amount of money, I returned from office. It was done and the precious things were missing. I have found it very much to see the beauty of the world.

Shuja Taimori said while thinking, but you are sure that this is the prince Raja Akramam. I am asking why there is no mistake in identifying you as well as what happened to both the princes and what is implicit. Hundreds of horns, Raja Ikramam, pulls his right ear shortly afterwards, and this smell has repeatedly been done. See, once again he has left his right ear in his own style. Shuja Taimori grew up: Very strange, so late, two missiles disappeared behind the screen hanging on the opposite door It's a lot of time, I'm not sure what to do with you. I'm not sure what you're doing, but I'm not sure what you're doing. I want the papers that Shimma went to Tirmori's troubles and took out his friend together, and was there a crowd outside the door to cover the door to the outer door. There was a dispute, shouting and a loud voice was Barga. A soldier appeared to him and tried to overcome the situation. What trouble is that we hurry Raja Ikram should reach, not because he escaped and said, "Do not worry, Shuja Taimori gives him satisfaction to him, I will take responsibility for his deputy in two minutes and actually I am responsible for the management of the circus." Shuja Taimuri directed the person to direct this person to the person who had spread the fight for a long-term man, saying that the fight would spread and all the circus programs grew up. After returning, we came to Humdani, the crowded person was still present, if he is not satisfied, just for a few minutes in my office. Sharif said Shuja Taimori said that I would not be too late for a while later, he hugged his entrance to his office, and he took the hand of Hameed Hamani with his hands, with me, he stirred up the circus with sharp sharpness and increased the rib where The rows were visible.

Shuja Taimori near Chhattisgarh and tents stopped a artist on his head, was a special hat with a magic knit and he wore a long black coat, and he could just show out the pigeon from his hat. "Mr. Haman ! Shuja Taimori asked, "What is the tent of a new day in our circus, where is the tent of our visit?" The sorcerer shouted, "You are probably asking Akram Omam, the fourth tent is in the right row, the one who has red roots in front of him." Shuja Taimori said, "I have to see something. My friend is not like that." He said, "I am sorry," said Shuja Taimori. Have got enough time
Apparently, Shuja said that Timur said that part of the circus where artists perform their art is very bright when the remaining place is semi-bright and semi-dark, so far the eyes of the spectators would have been clear, now They were both at the tent door, which was marked by a magic spell artist.

Shuja called the name of Raja Akram and asked him three times four times when there was no answer, he entered the tent and he was also behind him. The tent was empty, there was no one inside, and opened a large box inside the tent. Some clothes and everyday things used to be scattered around the ark. Someone had vacated the chaos in the chaos, and the trip was kept near the river, and the jugged glass was lying on the ground. It's time to run away. I'm worried about being worried at the charity.

Currently, we can do that work. Shuja Taimori encouraged him and said, "We should be very careful about the whole tent and we should inform the local police immediately." You are a very big officer, but this city I have a good understanding of some police officers
The fact that the search should be taken to us in fact, I have spoken in tired words, but I do not want to get into the scrolls of the police anyway, I feel proud to be a government official, and there are confused problems. In such cases, both of them investigate one of the tents of tents. Hit but could not find anything.