اپنے منہ میاں مِٹھو بننا

"Listen, Friends! I play the best of you cricket, so team captain should be made to me too." Aamer sitting on a high courtesy, convinced his friend, who was playing the best cricket.
So captain too was to be made, but his friends were not ready to listen to Aamir, but he was just trying to score one "I play a good cricket." Bhai when Amir is doing so much that he plays a good cricket Make it captain and watch it.
"A friend of Aamir said while giving feedback to the remaining friends.
"Well .... okay .... make captains of Amir." All the friends shouted together and said that Amir became captain of his cricket team.

The next day, the match of the Amir Khan team was fixed with the second-half cricket team.

Amir Gossip went to the top, but Gillah, the other team, did not bow first in the first innings except all the batsmen's innings, while Amir scored a batsman in six overs and could not take any wicket.
When Aamir's team came to bat, Aamir made only two runs while playing as opener and became bold.
Thus, due to the bad performance of Aamir, the team should face defeat. The person who was listening to his friend's voice was saying that he had heard his friend's voice saying "How much I am honored for my game?" And when the results came out zero ". The other friend said," Unbelievably, my mouth was made as my mouth. "