نیک دل پری

Naik Dil Pari

Once it was a visitor that was a shrine, it was a beautiful place around the river. He had a very intriguing storm, he was not only beautiful but also told the people about their problems. His reputation was far away Was spread.

One day, the fish was catching fish that suddenly a beautiful golden fish came to her, when the sank began cutting her, leave me crying suddenly, and let me go. Let me see fish like a normal man. Left.

As a primary source of humor, man was very merciful on golden fish and he left it in water, as soon as he saw the fish suddenly turned into a form of prey, and thanked the sage and told him that One who made me golden fish with my magic and said that your fate is if someone caught you and washed or drank, it was good that I took a good man.

If someone else was probably someone else, he would have cut me and eat, remember me if I can do any of your work in life. I will help you.
One day, the king of the same country got on the hunt. He was searching for the victim all day that he came near the house of a torn.

When his soldiers told about this rare stomach, he was amazed and wanted to see it. The king liked this tremendous very much. He sent the surname to the court and said, "Give me this rare turtle." He said, "I am very pleased with the king, my dearer than my life, how can I give it to you?"

Then the king said, "I will make you a palace, but I still do not see the vision, then the king said," Please tell me this condition that you answer my two questions, if you can not answer my questions then My wind and if you answer, then I will not only live with you, but I will also give you wealth and wealth that your seven generations will live with a lot of luxury.

Dare asked what the dessert is?
 My second question is, what two things are the first 4 then 2 and then 3?" The king said to him one week Given time

Mulayam, hearing this question of the king, came home and began to be troubled. Every time she kept thinking about her two questions, her nights were also flown, but she did not get answers to these questions. Finally, Tausa also got her master Keep watching you upset

One day he asked, "What is the matter now, tell me the solution to your problem." Always told him his problem and said that tomorrow is the last day and tomorrow morning, if I do not tell the king the answers to these questions So he will take you forever.

He thought of a tremendous moment. He suddenly realized that a few days ago, Sarkhya had told him a golden fish incident. He said that he would take help from this good hearted heart. He thought of his father and remembered it. Fairy was present. Good morning the fairy girl heard the whole incident.

Fairy told me about the answers to both questions in a minute, she thanked Fairy and very sleepy in the night, early in the morning when every king's arrival came to the dawn calling, she came with him in the court. The builder was thinking that Dare does not answer these questions.

Now he will give his rare tone to me. He asked, "You have brought me answer to both of my questions." Answer: You asked the first question which is what is behind each other? He answers that they are day and night, who are following the other.

You asked the second question that what is the first thing that is first 2, then 2 and then 3, is the answer, they are human legs. The first human being when there is a small child walks with two hands and two feet. That means, it works with four things, then when it is grown, it runs with legs and when old becomes two legs and one basa, or three things.

The king, surprised to hear the answer of the sage. When he asked, who told you the answer to these questions, he heard a good heartbreak incident. However, the king abandoned the decision to get tired and There is a lot of money.